Saturday, October 17, 2009

A New Earth

Is it really true that buried deep within the heart of Santa Fe, New Mexico there is a remote village of green activists creating a model community based on earth's sustainablity and health?


This new phenomenon is known as permaculture aka permanent agriculture. Ellen Page, teen star from the hit movie Juno proclaims that permaculture is a holistic way to live (The Huffington Post).

It is the start of a new future, living for the earth and by natural law that should govern our actions.

Created in the 1970's, permaculture is only beginning to catch on now - Now that we see our planet is in dire need of our help.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Where Has the News Gone?

Is propaganda wearing you down?

In response to Outfoxed:Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism, I am going to comment on Fox News' use of fear building tactics and propaganda. Being a Canadian, I can't say that I tune into Fox on a regular basis, but after watching the video listed above there is much to say about the Fox network as a political weapon.

Media can be deemed the nervous system of any democracy, but what happens when your media outlet is corrupt?

Fox News, created by right wing conservative politician, Rupert Murdoch, is being used as a tool to instill fear into its viewers to keep them tuning in. The flashy headlines, use of graphics, and the breaking news phenomenon (also known as yellow journalism) that Fox incorporates into their daily airtime is the perfect combination to ensure that its audience is being transformed into mini fox icons: people who have their opinions molded for them.

A true democracy is centered around objectivity in reporting and making all sides of ANY political/current affair story known, so that the people of a nation can knowledgeably form perspectives about the world for themselves. Journalistic integrity and the public sphere is sacrificed to Fox news when they are mirroring a Stalinist system:
  • create an environment of fear
  • workers are monitored
  • form opinions rather than gather news
  • force employees to sign confidentiality contracts
Though Fox's catch phrase decalres that the network is HONEST AND BALANCED, it is not. Take for example Bill O'Reilly's Shutup conspiracy. It has been documented and seen live that reporters for Fox are not afraid to tell their interviewees to SHUTUP if they begin to mention anything that goes against right-wing ideology. How is this fair and balanced?

The problem is, people do not realize that they are subjected to propaganda and that is why the media is a genius weapon to control the masses. Alternative outlets are available to gather REAL balanced news, you just have to surf the world wide web.

Fox News is a business. They will do whatever is needed to bring in the dollars. Think about it, do you really want to be a lab mouse? Stop letting corporate news broadcasters dictate the realities of the world and take control!

Forget 6pm News

If you are looking for an alternative source to gather your daily news, I have one
recommendation...COMEDY NEWS SHOWS, such as The Colbert Report and The Daily Show.

I think intertwining a bit of comic relief into current event broadcasting is such a great idea. I find it easier and more intriguing to watch The Colbert Report or the The Daily Show to gather some knowledge on current affairs. I feel as if they have a more objective tone to their story telling. Also, they touch upon the things that you don't see on the 6pm news.

These shows grab the attention of audiences young and old, forget FOX, tune into comedy news hour!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


My room mate was at Big Daddy's Sharwma House last week and came home with a giant fat filled poutine, but that was not it. As she entered the house she threw a pamphlet onto my lap and proclaimed, "YOU MUST READ THIS", So I did.

On the front of the brochure in big black writing it reads, "Are You at Risk?". Automatically it grabbed my attention and after reading it from cover to cover, I wanted to turn around and throw my Ipod and cellphone out the window.

This brochure was filled with facts about ELECTROPOLLUTION (sounds scary, does it not?) Did you know that our love affair with technology is not so humble and sweet. Electromagnetic radiation and frequencies emitted from our beloved wireless devices can have a harmful effect on our health.

In reaction to this scare, an organization called BIOPRO has developed technological devices to reduce the risk of electropollution.

But, I see a fallacy in this brochure! It describes three devices meant to reduce tech pollution in our bodies, but the descriptions focus on how these gadgets reduce stress caused by using wireless technologies. It doesn't really explain what electropollution is or what exactly it does to our health.

I just wanted to note the irony here, considering they are using wireless devices to fight a health risk caused by wireless technologies. You can check out the BIOPRO website for yourself.

I don't deny the risks of wireless technologies on our health, but the brochure was made in a way that simply creates FEAR and provides no real answers...

Tech Fast

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to go a WHOLE three days without access to any sort of TECHNOLOGY we utilize on a daily basis?

I know a lot of people have gone on "technology fasts", but over the past long weekend I experienced it first hand. Basically, I did not have access to the internet for three days while I was in Montreal visiting my grandmother. I kept thinking, "I have to do my blog!" and I just simply could not, so I apologize for the late posts!

Also, my grandmother has one t.v that was occupied my by eight year old sister the whole time, so I did not watch any television, however I did finish a good book, Briar Rose by Jane Yolen.

This whole experience got me thinking about how reliant we are on technology. Looking at my sister, I am amazed by her knowledge of the internet. When she was six years old, she was talking to friends on msn, she uses Youtube more than I do, and she is online playing games and downloading music! For all those born in the late 80's, we were not doing this sort of thing. At her age I was outisde building mudpies and dressing up in my mother's high heels.

It is interesting to note how times have changed so drastically, in such a short period of time. When I think about the rate that we are progressing in terms of technology, my imagination conjures up an image of a future filled with teleportation and flying cars...

Check out this video! DID YOU KNOW (fun facts all about technology and our future)