Saturday, October 24, 2009

CBC Re-markets Itself

Attention all Canadian citizens, how important is YOUR national broadcaster?

The Canadian Broadcasting Cooperation, more commonly known as The CBC is changing the face of their network to stimulate better news intergration, while efficiently utilizing multi-media services.

CBC Newsworld is being re-branded as CBC News Network. Although the network has been dealing with a 171 million dollar budget shortfall, they are making the step to introduce new online graphics and anchors, while extending thier show, The National to seven days a week.

Despite the 800 job cuts, CBC is looking optimistic towards the future of media, by implementing more blogging communities attached to their name. So, fellow bloggers out there, could it possibly be that even the BIG GUYS out there controlling mainstream media have come to the realization that the media is progressively moving towards a "By the people" model..

However, some may automatically think, "Oh No! Here is another way that Canada is trying to replicate the United States (CNN)" but, Richard Stursberg (head of CBC English division) claims that this change to be done on Monday is for the better. Let us not forget the importance of local news.

  • Also, check out this clip of CBC broadcasters addressing the change (I was not able to directly post it to my blog, sorry)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Dancin' Steps Down the Aisle

If there is anyone out there looking to put the cherry on top of their perfect wedding, have you ever considered having your wedding party Boogie down the aisle?

Sometimes, a little bit of fun and humour mixed in to monumental moments in life is not so bad :)

Check out this clip of the JK Wedding:

And this clip of beloved The Office characters dancing down the aisle at Jim and Pam's Wedding:

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Singing in the Shower: Fluke or Voice of an Angel?

Ok, so I can't help but come to the conclusion that virtually everybody has sung their heart in the shower and then after they are done, formualte the idea that they have an AWESOME singing voice and can be the next Canadian Idol.

Truth is, the structure of a bathroom and the raw materials used to build tiles, toilets and sinks all contribute to making your voice sound more spectacular than it really is while taking a shower.

Bathrooms replicate echo chambers, if there are tiles installed. Hard surfaces and small dimensions in a bathroom create standing waves, reverberation, and echoes. The end result of all these things combined gives your voice more depth and fullness, causing the illusion that you have the voice of an angel!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

All Hallow's Eve Revealled

Ok, so we all know that Halloween is partially a result of Hollywood's American filmmakers and classic novelists like, Mary Shelly, author of Frankenstein. But, how exactly did we come to start dressing up in gory, bizarre, fantastical costumes? Where does the word Jack-O-Lantern come from?

Halloween is rooted in the Gaelic culture. This fall festivity is a result from the Gaelic festival of Samhain, which celebrated the end of the summer aka the lighter half of the year and the beginning of the dark year.

Gaels believed that during the time of Samhain, the border between our world and the OTHER world wore thin...allowing spirits to cross over.
To ward of ghosts, the Gaels wore costumes and masks to appear as a threat to the dead.

The term Jack-O-Lantern finds its origin in the tale of Stingy Jack, an Irish gambling drunk who tricked the devil into climbing a tree bu carving a cross in it and capturing him. The devil, in revenge, condemned Stingy Jack to wander the world at night with only the candle he had burning inside a turnip.

So, now you know a bit of history that you never really questioned as a kid, probably because October 31st means pillow cases of candy, so who cares!

Information provided by Wikipedia

Check Out Tim Burton's Vision of Halloween!