The Canadian Broadcasting Cooperation, more commonly known as The CBC is changing the face of their network to stimulate better news intergration, while efficiently utilizing multi-media services.
CBC Newsworld is being re-branded as CBC News Network. Although the network has been dealing with a 171 million dollar budget shortfall, they are making the step to introduce new online graphics and anchors, while extending thier show, The National to seven days a week.
Despite the 800 job cuts, CBC is looking optimistic towards the future of media, by implementing more blogging communities attached to their name. So, fellow bloggers out there, could it possibly be that even the BIG GUYS out there controlling mainstream media have come to the realization that the media is progressively moving towards a "By the people" model..
However, some may automatically think, "Oh No! Here is another way that Canada is trying to replicate the United States (CNN)" but, Richard Stursberg (head of CBC English division) claims that this change to be done on Monday is for the better. Let us not forget the importance of local news.
- For more information, read the follwing article : Move Over CNN, CBC Rebrands Itself
- Also, check out this clip of CBC broadcasters addressing the change (I was not able to directly post it to my blog, sorry)
I don't think this move is necessarily a bad thing. Frankly, the best thing that the CBC has going for it is the high quality news. As Canadians, we are kind of spoiled and it's easy to forget how great the CBC, especially in comparison to networks like Fox News. If we are calling that "news".