Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tattoo Insight

From the book, "Deviance, Conformity, and Social Control In Canada", written by Bereska, I found a study concerning women and tattoo culture. Tattooing, throughout history, has been closely tied to masculinity, thereofore making it acceptable for men to promote body art. However, when it comes to women and tattoos, society holds a different judgement.

Social theorists, Hawkes, Senn, and Thorn (2004) conducted a study of human reaction to women with tattoos. They discovered that females with tattoos are perceived more negatively than non tattooed women!


It appears that tattoos continue to be seen as violating some of the standards of feminine appearance. Gender also plays a role; more men then women perceived female body's with tattoos in a negative light. Maybe this is so because of the ultimate threat to MASCULINITY, which is FEMINISM. Atkinson found that women who utilize tattoo culture are doing it to develop identities, established femininity or resistant femininity.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Turkey Day

Turkey Day is fast approaching. A time where family gathers around a table full of delicious food and drink. But, do you know why Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving?

In 1578, and English Explorer named Martin Frobisher attempted to discover a passageway to the orient, however he ended up establishing a settlement in North America (Canada). He held a ceremony in Newfoundland to celebrate the success of his journey. This celebration is now known as Thanksgiving!

"O Lord that lends me life, Lend me a heart replete with thankfulness" - William Shakespeare.

FAQ: Why Does Turkey Make You Sleepy?

Answer: The armchair expert of the family blames the drowsyness attributed to the aftermath of a turkey dinner to the component tryptophan found in turkey, but he/she is wrong! This amino acid which promotes the production of serotonin (calming agent in the brain) is also found in chicken and ground meat at a higher dosage level than turkey. So, if you are feeling sleepy after eating your third helping of pumpkin pie, be sure to realize that it is simply because you have STUFFED YOUR FACE FULL!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Astronomy 101

Have you ever found yourself staring up at the sky in a state of pure wonder, just thinking about the origins of the universe and how EXACTLY we came to be? I have, many times with friends or on my own. The universe is a complex, vast, yet purely inspiring thing to gaze upon. Though I am a MIT student, it is required of me to take a science course, so this year I am finally getting it over with. Guess what I chose, Astronomy 101. Nothing makes sense to me, because my mind works in a different way, but I can tell you there have been some cool facts I have picked up over the past month.

That super bright dot in the sky that seemingly appears first before all the rest of the stars, is not the north star, it is Jupiter! Next time you are under the night sky, look up and you will see it shining brighter than the rest of the dots in the sky. I know some people like to believe things like this are UFOs but, science says no!

Also, if you have never thought of visiting the Cronyn Observatory on UWO's campus, I suggest you do it. Free of charge and worth the wait, you can go up and look at our galaxy, up close and personal! Be prepared to me amazed, but remember star gazing requires clear skies and nice weather, so take advantage of this opportunity soon.