Smoking cigarettes, bitting the tips of her blotched nails -
Chewing, the string that hangs from a torn sweater.
To see is not enough, to taste can set you free.
She can taste the air on a dull summer night, clouds hanging low.
On her tongue -
Sweet juices melt.
Humidity dampens her hair, curls unfurl over grey eyes.
An image of a woman drowning.
Dandrea i really like your blog as I am now officially "following" it...
ReplyDeleteI just started my own you should check it outtt
Why, thank you sir. This whole blog thing...not to sure about, but hey if one person out there appreciates my words...I guess it aint' so bad..must admit, I have always been more of a paper/pen gal..I have piles of notebooks...maybe I will begin to publish more on the web! I'll be sure to check out your blog