Tuesday, October 13, 2009


My room mate was at Big Daddy's Sharwma House last week and came home with a giant fat filled poutine, but that was not it. As she entered the house she threw a pamphlet onto my lap and proclaimed, "YOU MUST READ THIS", So I did.

On the front of the brochure in big black writing it reads, "Are You at Risk?". Automatically it grabbed my attention and after reading it from cover to cover, I wanted to turn around and throw my Ipod and cellphone out the window.

This brochure was filled with facts about ELECTROPOLLUTION (sounds scary, does it not?) Did you know that our love affair with technology is not so humble and sweet. Electromagnetic radiation and frequencies emitted from our beloved wireless devices can have a harmful effect on our health.

In reaction to this scare, an organization called BIOPRO has developed technological devices to reduce the risk of electropollution.

But, I see a fallacy in this brochure! It describes three devices meant to reduce tech pollution in our bodies, but the descriptions focus on how these gadgets reduce stress caused by using wireless technologies. It doesn't really explain what electropollution is or what exactly it does to our health.

I just wanted to note the irony here, considering they are using wireless devices to fight a health risk caused by wireless technologies. You can check out the BIOPRO website for yourself.

I don't deny the risks of wireless technologies on our health, but the brochure was made in a way that simply creates FEAR and provides no real answers...

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